Dead Man Walking...

The video plays between the duality of stillness and movement, one emphasises the other and vice versa. The overlapping layer which contains the most movement lacks the opacity seen in the main video screen and suggests this ephemeral, ghostly feel which captures the viewers attention as it illuminates the faces of the two still individuals at the front. Dead Man Walking exploits the Creed-ian idea that if movement is the height of vitality, then stillness must equate to death (bit extreme), but for dancers, stillness is the conviction, it's boredom, it's mental paralysis. The movement here works like a level of consciousness, a sense of desire to become free and undetained. 

Inspirations Kurt Hentschlager - interesting use of fluid abstract shadows, built up in layers --> Click
John Cage - can't stop thinking about 4'33, the sense of doing nothing, which equates to something, a finished product just like the dancers are doing nothing, they are not dancing but they are functioning as something else altogether --> Click
 I developed the videos so the dancers appear more clearly.

What we are presented is an eskewed portrayal of a conflict between what to look at, what to believe is a visual transcription of a mind talking, a dream, or what is infact the real-est out of the two. Is dancing an act and forced or is it the most natural form of movement, and stillness forced.