Out of the ordinary...

11 min, 16 mm film, B/W, no sound
Camera: Bill Rowley
Edit: Elaine Summers
Dir: Elaine Summers
Prod: Hans Breder, Iowa University

This video celebrates the 'slowness' of movement, the dynamics of each move is emphasised because each gesture is slowed down to such a degree we are sensitive to every movement. Movement is a way of designing space, like Creed once referred to appropriation as the manipulate of the air we breathe and the space we move in.

What about the movements we do but placed in a different context. Carsten Holler's exhibition in the US focusses upon 'experience', obviously within the exhibition environment and the gallery context. The fairground ride is the epitome of repetition, it places a number of people within the same mechanical transporation...

Research in Ballroom Dancing.....in context.....